Vocational Science and Calculation Practice Exam Test 2

1. Harmful radiation emitted by the sun is ?

Answer: Option A
ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This type of energy is so harmful to our heath that the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the World Health Organization declared it a carcinogen, especially of the skin (it cannot penetrate deep within the body's tissues and organs).
2.  The resistance of employees in an organization against flexibility, growth and diversificationcan be overcome by developing:-?
A. Entrepreneurship 
B. Managerial Domain
C. Intrapreneurship
D. Administrative Domain

Answer: Option C
Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. It focuses on self motivation and resolving a specific issues which ultimately helps in achieving the major goals. It focuses on minor goals and hence helps to achieve the entrepreneurship goals in long run.
3.   Select the odd one out.
A. River
B. Valley
C. Ocean
D. sea

Answer: Option B
Because others are family of water but valley is not.
4.  Select the value of (x) 2 , 6 , 14 , 30 , x , 126.
A. 56
B. 46
C. 66
D. 62

Answer: Option D
Series is becoming like this:2*2+2=6,6*2+2=14,14*2+2=30 so the next is 30*2+2=62.
5.  Select the odd one out.
A. Jogging
B. Running
C. Sprinting
D. Jumping

Answer: Option D
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6.  Select the odd one out?
A. Barley
B. wheat
C. Rice
D. Pea

Answer: Option D
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7.  Which one of the following should consider in economy while conducting environmental analysis?
A. Chennel of distribution
C. Unemployment
D. Disposable Income

Answer: Option B
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8.  Select the odd one out. ?
A. Hot
B. Warm
C. Humid
D. Cold

Answer: Option C
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9.  Select the odd one out?
A. Pen
B. Pencil
C. Brush
D. Sharpener

Answer: Option D
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10.  Which one of the following is a barrier to new product creation and development?
A. Opportunity parameter 
B. Opportunity cost
C. Trial and error
D. Interpreneurship culture
Answer: Option B
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  1. Sumit NSTI DehradunJuly 21, 2020 at 9:08 AM

    Dear sir, this is very good . It's very useful for me!
    Thanyou so much!

