Vocational Science and Calculation Practice Exam Test 1

1. All Communication events have a ?

Answer: Option A
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2.  The Energy which is not derived from the sun is ?
A. Geo-Thermal Energy
B. Nuclear Energy
C. Fossil Fuels
D. Bio mass

Answer: Option A
Fossil fuels are made from the anaerobic decomposition of remains of phytoplanktons and zooplanktons. These phytoplanktons and zooplanktons are photosynthesizing microorganisms, which used to capture light energy sun. 
Geo-thermal energy is the energy, which is generated and stored in the earth. 20 % of the geo-thermal energy has originated during formation of the planet and 80% from radioactive decay of materials.  Hence, geo-thermal energy is not derived from sun. Therefore, option C is correct.
3.   Reading comprehension means understanding a _______ text.
A. Usual
B. Audio
C. Written
D. oral

Answer: Option C
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4.  Which two work enviornments should be good for spawning the new enterprises?.
A. Finance and R&D
B. Finance and marketing
C. Marketing and IT
D. Marketing and R&D

Answer: Option A
The two work environment which will be good for spawning the new enterprises are finance and research and development as they aim at developing the conduct of business in all dimensions which includes all sectors of the business environment as well. 
5.  An on-line commercial site such as Amazon.com is an example of a(n) ________ .
A. single-user database application
B. multiuser database application
C. e-commerce database application
D. data mining database application

Answer: Option C
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6.  For the success of business plan, the goals should be:-?
A. Specific 
B. Imaginary
C. Limitless
D. Generalized

Answer: Option A
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7.  What is a target market?
A. A group of customers a venture reaches by accident
B. All consumers who purchase the venture's product
C. A chain of discount stores
D. A specific group of potential customers toward which a venture aims its marketing plan

Answer: Option D
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8.  Fuel formed under the earth's surface by the decomposition of organic matter is called?
A. Biogas
B. Fossil fuel
C. Under ground fuel
D. Organic fuel

Answer: Option D
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9.  Choose and write the correct option. Knife: Chopper:: Scissors: ?
A. Cutter
B. Blanket
C. Cloth
D. Float

Answer: Option A
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10.  Choose and write the correct option. U, O, I, ?, A  .
A. E
B. G
C. D
D. F

Answer: Option E
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